Style Kit setup template

A utility template to help you set up your Style Kit.

Primary / Links / Icons color

Secondary / button color

Dark Background Color

Light Background Color

Accent Background Color


Style Kit Colors

Manage the essential colour system of your layouts by defining these basic colors.


Heading 1

Feature Heading 3

An example with an icon box

Feature Heading 3

An example with an icon box

This is Heading 2

In Style Kits you have complete flexibility of the Typographic styles. Adjust the styles for the Body and Headings typography panels in Style Kits.

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5
This is Heading 6


Heading 1

Feature Heading 3

An example with an icon box

Feature Heading 3

An example with an icon box

This is Heading 2

Go to the Style Kit panel, and manage the whole typography on this layout via a number of useful controls. You can also set up your Buttons and Column Gaps. 

This is Heading 3

This is Heading 4

This is Heading 5
This is Heading 6

TExt Sizes

This is XXL Text

This is XL Text

This is Large Text

This is Medium Text

This is Small Text

Heading Sizes

XXL Heading

XL Heading

Large Heading

Medium Heading

Small Heading


Button Styles

Dynamic button style control

Head over to the Style Kits panel, and open the Buttons tab to customise the style of each button size.

Accent background

Here's a section with an accent background colour class.


Contact Form Style

You can change the default styles of the Elementor form by customising the Forms panel in the Style Kit sidebar.

Default Column Gap

The Default column Gap defines the default padding of the columns in your Elementor Layouts.